For the first time, Space exploration era opens!

The Infinite Universe, Unknown Stars, Advanced technology,
And, realization of the universe !!!

he beginning of a full-scale space pioneering period.
Like the pioneers who looked for gold, into space~ into space.


  • Exploration

    You can own an unmanned exploration drone to play the game, and you can discover a new planet by exploring the exploration drones into another galaxy in a faraway universe.

  • Planet

    When your exploration dron finds a planet, you get the right to do mining work on that planet.

  • Mine

    A large amount of helium may be buried on the planet. You may start a direct mining business or sell the mining right to another player.

  • Refine

    Refining the mined helium can turn it into valuable ore. In the spacecraft world, this is called etherium.

Spacecraft in Block Chain

SpaceCraft works with the ERC 20 of the Ether System, and all user data is recorded in the block chain and can not be up / modulated. In addition, the in-game assets drones and planets follow the Etheric ERC 721 standard. Therefore, all the actions of the user are managed by transactions in the block chain, and all records can be viewed through Etherscan even if it is not in game view. To start the game, you need MetaMask, a digital wallet, as a web browser and extension to the desktop version of Chorme or Firefox.


Block chain multiverse

In 2008, after Nakamoto Satoshi proposed a bit coin, 70 years later, the scientific community proves that the universe is similar to a block chain. The energy, time, and space of the universe are all connected together like a block chain so that the present universe continues to form a new universe in a way that includes the previous universe. The scientific community, which developed rapidly over the next few years, found a pathway to the previous space, and time and space movement became possible. This can be an earlier time, another space, or other energy, but it can be finely tuned to move the energy and time to the same energy and space at the desired time, or to move to the same time and energy of the desired space .

Who are they?

The first exploration began with the unmanned drones, and although there were several failures, we learned from the information gathered as the number of exploration successes increased. Satoshi Nakamoto, who disappeared after the last e-mail of 2011, is a prophet from the future and Vitalic Buterin is an alien from a distant planet. However, opinions were divided on the reason, and it was not clarified exactly.

Evolution of etherium

The beginning was not known exactly, but the etherium, which existed only as data from whence, has the form of money which can be exchanged by hand. When space and space are available, space exploration becomes possible and attention is paid to the distant universe to secure human resources, Hellenium, but at that time it had become a matter of a little bit of ore resembling a yellow flower, but there were no more miners who were mining helium because there were more orchestrated ores. I do not know who originally referred to refined helium as etherium and why, but oddly enough, people became enthusiastic about etherism, which can feel bulky and heavy. As the popularity of helenium increased, fertilization frequently occurred. The clashes grew bigger and smaller for one year, and six talks agreed that Hellenium's possession was fair to everyone who first discovered the planet. And the consensus continues to this day.